Salon Sophie Charlotte

Raum 113

Zum Programm

1. OG

Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)

Host: Verena Lepper (Egyptology, Berlin), Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA)

Take your Time: Arab & German Temporalities
AGYA Science Café

Having a cup of tea or coffee together, taking a short break, and talking to each other is a shared cultural practice in Arab and German societies. In the Arab world in particular, it hardly matters whether you have just met by chance or have known each other for a long time. People make time to share a moment and a drink together, at least briefly. We invite you to engage with Arab and German AGYA members and alumni/ae to delve into the compelling themes that drive our academy's interdisciplinary research, and to discover the diverse topics that have inspired our successful decade-long journey.